The Chicago Department of Transportation (CDOT) has initiated a study to improve safety and traffic flow for all users, including motorists, pedestrians, cyclists and the railroad, where 95th Street (near Eggleston Avenue) crosses two Union Pacific Railroad (UPRR) tracks.
CDOT will study the problem, develop and evaluate possible solutions, and choose the one that best solves the problem – all with input from community leaders and the general public in the Washington Heights and Roseland communities.
This study will explore the opportunity to build an underpass or overpass at the intersection of 95th Street and the UPRR to eliminate the existing at-grade crossing where the railroad and roadway intersect at the same level.
By The Numbers
How many vehicles cross the intersection every day?
Cars Daily
Buses Daily
Trucks Daily
Project Overview

The study will be carried out in three phases. Phase I, preliminary engineering, is under way. Phase II, final engineering, will create
a PS&E proposal with plans, specifications and estimates. Construction will begin in Phase III.
Key Benefits
Improve Safety
Reduce Congestion
Eliminate Delays
Public Involvement
It is critical to identify the values, needs, and priorities of the residents and businesses impacted by this high traffic and hazardous at-grade railroad crossing.
The study will provide various opportunities for stakeholders to be involved in the process and share their input.

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